2016年第24屆國際博物館協會(International Council of Museums,ICOM)三年大會於 藝術時尚之都米蘭舉行,充分傳達大會主題文化地景與博物館的結合。 由七頂創意擔任臺灣博物館群的形象館策展及執行,展位設計緊扣大會主題,以滿滿的綠意代表蓬勃生命力, 在強健高山聳立與遍布茶園的土地上,積蓄的是豐沛的文化力,正等待展現其獨特風采。
The Taiwan Museums took part in the 2016 ICOM Milano, 24th General Conference. Seven Apex team not only design the visual and concept of the Taiwan Pavilion, but also organize and carry out the in-booth events.
The theme for the Taiwan Pavilion is “Taiwan – A Living Museum”, highlighting the seven themes that embrace the Taiwanese museums culture, which are “Lives on The Island: Natural History of Taiwan”, “The Spirit of Seafaring People: The Oceanic Culture and Knowledge of Taiwan”, “Prehistoric Taiwan: The Aborigines with Austronesians Origin”, “History and Humanities: Development of the Island,” “Conservation of Inheritance: Local Cultural Spaces and Eco-museums of Taiwan”, “Harmony of Different Beliefs: The Co-existence of Diversified religions”, “Beauty of the Island: Art and Aesthetics of Taiwan”.
The rich and distinctive museum collections that emphasize the diversity of Taiwan museum community and the unique museum architectures together showcase the pervasiveness of the cultural landscape in Taiwan, as well as its most captivating aspects in culture.