一年一度的美國博物館聯盟(AAM)年會,今年移師到博物館寶地華盛頓特區舉行,為期三天的展會是博物館界的一大盛事。臺灣博物館群的臺灣形象館由七頂創意策展並執行,以「TAIWAN- A LIVING MUSEUM」為主軸,將臺灣的山景及餘韻悠遠的茶園帶入展場,搭配博物館之窗的意象作為主視覺,強化臺灣博物館群對於當代文化之影響、力量與責任,讓國際博物館專業界感受臺灣博物館文化穿越歷史與當代之影響力,看見臺灣最美的一片深刻文化風景。
Taiwan Museums join the 2016 annual AAM MuseumExpo to promote Taiwanese culture, expecting a greater role for the museums of Taiwan in the international community. Seven Apex created the concept and design for the Taiwan Pavilion, integrating Taiwanese culture and aesthetic elegance to enhance the visual impact of the stand. The theme for the Taiwan Pavilion is “Taiwan – A Living Museum”, highlighting how museums bring together industry and local communities to form a distinctive cultural landscape that connects museums with culture and lifestyle.
During the event, seven apex organized and carried out few in-booth activities, which includes mini-session of museum researcher’s innovative exhibition sharing, demonstration of Taiwanese tea ceremony, and the welcoming networking reception. The concise design, meaningful concept and well-executed activities successfully attracted attention of many professionals in the museum industry. And the Taiwan Pavilion is proudly one of the most popular stand in the AAM MuseumExpo.
The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) represents the museum industry of America. Its members include the curators, specialists, exhibition organizers, exhibition designers and exhibit software/hardware developers from across the country. The annual meeting of the AAM is held in a different city within the U.S. every year. Around 300 exhibitors joined the exhibition in the previous years.