由七頂創意策展與製作的「蕭壠兒童美術館」及「剪花故事館」在2015 年7月開幕,地點位於台南市佳里區的「蕭壠文化園區」內,是台南第一座專為兒童設計,提供兒童美術互動體驗及親子友善展覽的藝術空間。
「剪花」又稱「剪紙、剪畫」是傳統民間藝術,也是聯合國非物質文化遺產項目,古今中外都有以剪花作為藝術表現的悠遠歷史。七頂策展團隊以「剪花」為主軸,設計涵蓋展示教育性質的核心館—剪花故事館,展示各國剪紙藝術文化。 由授權顧問向法國國家博物館聯會、瑞士剪紙博物館、安徒生博物館等國家級博物館與藝術家們借展並取得多件藝術作品圖像授權,展示精彩的剪紙作品。
The Soulangh Paper-cut Story House tells a story of paper-cut origin, tools, methods, and prestigious paper-cut artists worldwide. The Seven Apex curatorial team developed a paper-cut art inspired exhibition concept, and created a fusion of educational display. Seven Apex connected with local and international museums, institutions, as well as artists, to obtain the licensed copy right of each beautiful art works which are displayed in the story house.
Paper-cut art inspired products is another highlight of the exhibition. The products demonstrate a combination of traditional folk art and every-day-live living aesthetic, such as paper-cut pattern designed stool, table, lightings, and stationeries.