本次展覽特別介紹各國午茶時光的小故事和典故,並且特別邀請到繪本藝術家山田詩子女士,展出多件原創版畫作品, 並提供自家紅茶品牌的限量單杯體驗組,邀請參觀展覽的各位朋友,能夠手捧一杯溫暖紅茶,悠閒地欣賞這精彩的展覽作品,享受愉快午茶時光。
展區分為四大部分,帶領參觀民眾異國饗宴。繪本作家Yiting Lee訴說著正統英國三層下午茶點心盤的小故事;漫畫家高大衛告訴你,在法國連貓咪們和小孩子都有下午茶時間;藝術家巫姿瑋以葡萄鐵觀音為靈感創作藝術作品。 整個展覽充滿了午後時光和朋友家人一同前來欣賞藝術的午茶想像。
Seven Apex invited artists from Japan, France, United Kingdom, and Taiwan to demonstrate their afternoon tea culture in their region with inspiring art works. The exhibition aims to introduce the origin and interesting stories of afternoon tea time around the world. In the same time, it wants to share arts along with the imagination of afternoon tea culture. The exhibition is divided into 4 sections, as the audience progress, they are guided through unique exotic experience.